MyIEEE is the IEEE website to renew your membership, update your email, update your address, etc.
MyIEEE is a bad link. The service was eliminated in 2018 by IEEE, with a recommendation that you now use Collabratec.
Publicly accessible Collabratec, called IEEE Collabratec by the people that coded the website, was a website that IEEE created for authors (both IEEE and non-IEEE) to share information with like minded people. It has evolved into a general purpose (LinkedIn competitor?) website/portal for everybody. It includes “Communities” (large interest areas like “IEEE Collabratec Users Forum”, “IEEE Day”, “IEEE Power Electronics Society”, “Social Networking”, etc.) and Workspaces” (née”Groups” limited interest). Note: Collabratec communities have no relation to the Section website communities which refer to Chapters, Affinity Groups and Students Branches.
Collabratec includes the IEEE directory, your IEEE Membership Certificate and other features to which only IEEE members have access.
There are a few notes and pictures posted in a “howto” document written for Life Members, but the general information is good: CollabratecHowto_LMAG.pdf
Link for Collabratec website.
Information on becoming a Senior Member Senior Member
(page updated 2021-May-02)