
There is a lot of training available for executive committee and other volunteers

The spring board meeting of IEEE Canada is usually held in Mississauga, or the locaion of CCECE,  has training on the Friday for such things as vTools meetings and reporting, concentration banking, etc. As many executive as possible should try to attend. IEEE Canada pays transportation and accommodation for one, and meals for all. The Section pays transportation and accommodation for others.
Spring 2018
2018-Apr-20 8:30 AM Hilton Mississauga, Meadowvale
Spring 2019
2019-Mar-01 8:30 AM Holiday Inn Airport Toronto, 970 Dixon Rd., Rexdale
Also see Post on Volunteer Training for Collabratec links.
Spring 2020
2020-Feb-28 8:30 AM Holiday Inn Airport Toronto, 970 Dixon Rd., Rexdale
Also see
Collabratec Workspace Region 7 Volunteer Training

There is on-line training (ref
Training for IEEE Volunteers: This training consists of Quick Start training modules for key local IEEE volunteer positions. These modules provide volunteers with practical information concerning their volunteer position so they can carry out their duties and responsibilities associated with their position of leadership. Each Quick Start module emphasizes the most important things that a particular volunteer must do to be effective in the position. In addition to the Quick Start module, a number of references are provided to assist the volunteer in performing his/her duties as an IEEE volunteer. These references, located in the Learning Library on the Center for Learning Excellence (CLE) site, expand the volunteer’s knowledge and understanding in a number of areas.
For more detailed information about the IEEE CLE, please visit the IEEE CLE Learning Library.


The chair position, which can not be held by a student member, is described by IEEE in  section_chair_position_description_july2009.doc (broken link)

The chair position is described on the Ottawa website at Section Chair

Vice Chair

The vice position is described on the Kitchener/Waterloo website by SECTION VICE-CHAIRPERSON


The secretary position is described on the Kitchener/Waterloo website by SECTION SECRETARY


The treasurer position is described by IEEE in Section-Treasurer-Description.pdf (broken link)

Hamilton Section Executive Positions

The Hamilton Section has a working document for descriptions of executive positions.  IEEEHamiltonExecRoles_2020.pdf  (last updated 2020-Mar-14)

IEEE Canada has 21 Sections, divided into three geographic areas. Hamilton is part of Central Canada Area consisting of seven Sections:

There are three main IEEE Canada conferences each year, and they rotate between Eastern Area, Central Area and Western Area.

  • CCECE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • EPEC Electrical Power and Engineering Conference
  • IHTC International Humanitarian Technologies Conference

When a conference is held in Central Area, Hamilton Section is expected to provide seed funding and volunteer workers. In return, the Section gets a share of any profit.

(page updated 2020-Mar-17)

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