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EMBS Chapter Meeting 2018-Mar-05

2018-Mar-05 @ 19:00 - 20:15 EST

Event Categories:

The EMBS chapter (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) of the McMaster University Student Branch invites all interested members to a meeting on Monday March 5th from 7:15 to 8:15 pm in ITB A113 on McMaster campus.

The event will be a company talk by Israel Gasperin Haaz, the founder
of Zentrela Inc., a startup at the Forge. He’ll be talking about his
experiences as an entrepreneur and of founding Zentrela. He’ll also be
talking about a product Zentrela is currently working on, the
Cognalyzer™. This device is the a marijuana intoxication detector that
eliminates false positive results due to THC residues in the body.

Zentrela’s mission is to utilize the human brain as core input to
improve safety in the workplace and on the roads, providing objective
and rapid results, to protect marijuana users from false accusations,
and allow employers and law enforcement organizations to mitigate the
risks of marijuana intoxication.

Light refreshments will be provided and doors will open at 7pm. Chair Michal Roztocki hopes you can come out!


McMaster University, ITB Room A113

1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8 Canada